Project Management

The single point project management responsibility provides the project with a swift decision making process, enhances communication with the customer and provides a full sense of "ownership". A qualified project manager is assigned to each project, thus the project management system is based on a single point responsibility in all the implementation aspects of the project.
 The project manager is fully authorized and supported on a matrix basis by the company's various departments in the areas of Project Controls, Engineering, Procurement, Administrative & Financial, and Construction.

Project Development & Financing

In most its projects, SGCC has arranged project financing to accommodate the owner's shortage when the yearly allocation fund does not match construction progress and when payment tenures are longer than construction.


SGCMC provides high standard maintenance service for both their existing clients and those who are seeking a reputable service provider. As we provide maintenance for all projects we have engineered and constructed, we have high expertise in this field and have acquired massive experience with it over the years. Services provided include and are not limited to carpentry, painting, aluminum works, and tiles.


SGCC has created and maintained the highest levels of competence in the engineering and civil field. Quality engineering in commercial buildings and housing projects is the essence of success which is managed and controlled by highly qualified engineering management staff.  


Highest quality construction and civil works constitute an essential part of a successful project. 
SGCC competence in construction is demonstrated by the successful and timely completion of major civil and commercial buildings. 
The incomparable wealth of technical and financial resources and years of experience in construction and civil works activities, along with the in-house ownership of  construction and mobilization equipment, have been key ingredients in the success of SGCMC in delivering highest quality projects on schedule.